Today I wanted to share some fun stuff that I will be doing for their first day. I will be sharing a few traditions and some new things.
So every morning I make a special breakfast or their favorite. Which ever is easier at the time. For the past couple of years my girls went to the same Private school. And being that we are in a different state, they will be going to different public schools. God has called them out to the battle field, I pray that the Lord uses them for His glory. I know He will.
After breakfast, I make sure all their stuff is ready to go the night before, we just get together a few last minute things we may have forgotten. Once we are done with all the technical stuff. I take them out for their "first day of school" Photo shoot. LOL, I just take amateur pictures of them, but it's a tradition I do every year. I will use the same type of First day of school sign. But this year I found some really cute ones, that fit more their personalities. See info below on that.
This is what I usually do every year. If you are interested in these you have to subscribe to their emailing list and you can get the printable that way. I just chose to do something different this year. But if you like the one I used to use go to How Does She website

There's also these that are really cute to go here for those. She also has a lot of other cute stuff to print out for first day.
Here is what we will be using this year. Go here for the printable
Something that is also sad this year, my oldest is a SENIOR. Seriously when did this happen?!!!! It's going to be fun though, so many things planned for this girl. I am already prepping for her Grad Party. always shop right after the previous year Grad Party stuff. Target had some cute stuff that didn't have 2015 on it. It was at 70% so I pretty much have a lot of the deco already and for so little.
Make the memories, traditions, whatever it is to remember their first day. Make it special for them, remember they will be so nervous, jittery. So pray for them the night before and maybe use some lavender {oils, bath soap, diffuser} anything to calm them the night before and in the morning. Another thing we do daily is read the word and this year we will be doing Good Morning Girl morning devotions with them. If you would like more info on that go here to her site.
Be sure to come back tomorrow. I will have our Back 2 School Haul video up with outfit try on!
Thanks for stopping by...

CrafTEA Mom
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