Here's our info for this week.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Week 4 | Why My Response Matters
We made it to week 4, almost didn't think I was going to. I had some warfare going on that taught me some stuff. Which went along with this study. It's been a week, but it's been a blessing at that. God uses what the locusts has eaten for good.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Why the Resurrection Matters | Week 3

Hello Ladies!!
It's week 3 and I'm getting excited as Resurrection Sunday is coming up!! Have you been contemplating the death of Jesus? I know I have and it's been humbling and convicting. But knowing that He took victory over our sin and death....that's comforting. We are so blessed! Let's live lifes for Him today. Put all aside and serve God, serving Him is never useless!
This week we are going to learn about "Why the Resurrection Matters?"..
Here is this weeks Challenge:
Read Luke 24 –the resurrection account of Jesus. Stand in AWE!!! Whatever you are facing today – take it to Jesus. He is alive! He loves you and He wants you to bring all your burdens to Him.
Here is the reading plan:

Week 3 Memory Verse:

May you all have a blessed week!
Why The Crucifixion Matters | Week 2 Reflection
Reflection on the Challenge: This was very humbling as I have been struggling with a few things, my heart was becoming callus. Looking around at things I began to get disappointed and angry at why some Christians do things intentionally or for their own good. I began to look at their faults, flaws, and began to get these impressions in my head of them. But I started to realize that I need not take certain things personal it's their walk that is failing not mine and that I need to pray for them. Only God knows what they are going through and struggling with as I am. I need to have grace and mercy towards them and also forgiveness. If God forgave me how much more do I need to forgive them. Easy right? I wish it was, it's a daily dying to flesh process. Just like the bible says " We need to crucify our flesh daily". Jesus gave me a new life, a second chance and I'm not going to blow on some measly senseless things. I am going to honor him by giving this to Him and allowing Him to work in my heart and seeing others as He sees them. And then pray for those who are struggling.
Here's my reflection video.
Thanks for stopping by...

CrafTEA Mom
Monday, March 7, 2016
Why the Crucifixion Matters | Week 2
Resource Video:
Reading Plan:
Week 2 Challenge:
Because of what Christ did for us on the cross, we are no longer slaves to the sins in our lives that so easily entangle us. We now can have God’s forgiveness of our sins, embrace the grace He extends and look forward to our hope of heaven. Despite what is going on around us in this world, we have a bright future to look forward to when we get to heaven. This week focus on what Christ’s crucifixion means to you and how you are going to honor Jesus with the new life, the second chance, you have been given. Write it out and share it with your group or a friend.
Memory Verse:
Thanks for stopping by...

CrafTEA Mom
Why the Last Supper Matters | Week 1 Reflection
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Why The Last Supper Matters | Week 1

I am so excited Week 1 is here. Below I share some encouragement for the week {in a video} and some info for this week. If you want to are more than welcome. Just leave me a comment below or email at
Here is the printable for week 1. For the SOAP part you do not have to share the verse it provides {on the right side, where is says SOAP}. You can share what the Lord has shown you this week on whatever vs you have read on Friday. See below on how you can share, because I so would love to hear what the Lord has shown you.

Week 1 Challenge:
Week 1 Memory Vs.

So how can you share what he has shown you? Below are a few ways.
Challenge for the week:
{Week 1}: Make a list of things in your life that you’re tempted to rely on other than Jesus. Every day this week take time to pray over your list, asking God to help you place your full dependence and trust in Christ alone.
Week 1 Memory Vs.
So how can you share what he has shown you? Below are a few ways.
Ways to share what God has spoken to you:
- Post a video on Youtube with the Title: " Why Easter Matters - Week 1 | Collab also in your description be sure to link my channel as I will be making a playlist and linking up your videos so everyone can be encouraged by them. My channel link is below.
- Post a blog post on your website with the title " Why Easter Matters - Week 1 | Collab with CrafTEA Mom and you can link my blog website also in your post. My link is below as well.
- Post an Instagram Pic with the hashtag #whyeastermatters and in the description if you would tag me in the photo and in description so we can all link up and share.
- Post on Facebook with the same title as the Youtube and just link back my Youtube channel and blog.
- Post on Google+ and link back to here. My link for that is below.
I am super excited to see what the Lord is going to do. I cannot wait to hear what He spoke to you. Trust me you guys will all be encouraged, I am so looking forward to that.
Here is my info, so you can link back to here.
Youtube Channel:
Bog {website}:
Instagram: @craftea Mom
Google+: +CrafTEA Mom
Pinterest: Krafteamom
I don't have a Facebook, sorry have not been lead to get one.
Looking forward to this week. Let me know in the comment section below if I can pray for you in any way or if there are any questions you may have.
Please know that I am praying for you! Jesus loves you and so do I!
Thanks for stopping by...

CrafTEA Mom
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Invitation: "Why Easter Matters" Bible Study

You are cordially invtied to join me in the " Why Easter Matters" On-line Bible study Group
The Lord has laid it on my heart to do the Good Morning Girls " Why Easter Matters" on-line study Group. This was a bible study I have done in the past and loved tremendously. It really prepared my heart for the Easter Season and remembering why Jesus did what He did for us.
I want to invite all of you in joining me in this on-line bible study group. GMG is not doing this particular bible study at the moment. So this strictly on our own, but they have all the resources and printables all provided for us.
This is a free bible study, so you won't have to pay for anything.
Here's the details:
Begins on Monday, February 29, 2016
We study Mon-Fri with the weekends off
It Ends on Fri, March 23, 2016 {our last study day}
On Sundays I will post a video and blog post with some encouragement and info for the week.
On Fridays we will post, vlog, and or blog what the Lord showed us that week.
{I believe by doing this we can encourage one another and also know that you are not alone. We all struggle but here's the thing we don't struggle alone. By being in this group we can encourage, uplift and exhort one another. I have been doing Good Morning Girls groups for since 2008 and have loved every bit of it. I have learned and gleaned from the ladies in the groups and have grown some sweet friendships with them }This will be a 4 week bible study and it can be as super easy or in depth as you want it. Its up to you how you want to draw or dig closer to the Lord. We will be using the Soap method. Which is super easy.
The link to the printable for the study will be below. I usually don't print it out but download it to my ipad or you can download to your computer. I usually have a notepad and do it that way. That helps me.
Click here for the link to the bible study or click the image below. It will explain it all, but if you do have questions you may leave them in the comment section below or email me at

Oh I pray you will join us, and also know that I am praying for you and am so excited for this.
Thanks for stopping by...

CrafTEA Mom
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